Prof. Zou Jun from College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Aberdeen University attended the aquaculture symposium presided over by Professor Lin Li and Associate Professor Liu Xueqin from College of Fisheries, HZAU. At the symposium, he delivered a special report on “The Antiviral Immune System of Fish" in room A105, No. 3 teaching building.
Firstly, Professor Zou briefed about the global aquaculture development trends and fish farming condition in Scotland. He believed that aquaculture industry plays a crucial role in feeding people owing to the rapid population growth and degradation of wild fish resources. He further talked about the relationship among environment, pathogen and host. “Drastic environmental changes have undermined the fish’s immunity. If pathogens ‘launched a surprise attack’ on fishes, disease would emerge”, he said. At last, he taught some basic knowledge on fish immunity.
Later in the day, Professor Zou held a lecture at the meeting room 209 of College of Fisheries. Professor Zou shared his research experiences with teachers and students present and then introduced the latest achievements in the lab. After that, Professor Zou discussed a host of issues such as the development trend of fish immunity, .key technologies of vaccine production as well as academic challenges in research.
By Xue Jian