Recently, Professor He Qigai, Professor Wu bing, Professor Guo Dingzong and Professor Qian ping from School of Animal and Veterinary Science of HZAU and graduate student Zhao Zekai went to Manila, the Philippines, to attend the 7th Asian Pig Veterinary Society Congress, which aims to facilitate swine production, prevention and detection of swine diseases as well as improve animal welfare by strengthening international cooperation and exchange, assimilating advanced foreign technologies concerning detection and prevention of swine diseases and enhancing scientific and research capabilities. In the Congress, professor He qigai was invited to make a report on China’s Progress of Swine Production and Disease Prevention. He concretely talked about issues such as China’s pig production capacity, the import and export of pigs, swine disease prevention and control as well as challenges and opportunities China faces in the field, which drew lots of praise from the attendees.
The meeting entitled Asian Pork Challenge “Moving as One”attracted a total number of 1318 guests from 26 countries including 114 professionals from China. The meeting mainly covered topics concerning the progress in preventing and controlling Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), Porcine Circovirus Disease (PCVD), Porcine pseudorabies, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), swine fever, African swine fever and other common swine diseases. Meanwhile, they were appealing to make joint efforts in preventing and controlling transnational infectious diseases among Asian countries through closer cooperation.
Due to the efforts made by the teachers and students from HZAU in venue application and briefing the participants of the meeting on the advantages HZAU has enjoyed as well as the preparation work it has done, HZAU was awarded the bid to host the next APVS in May, 2017.
(By Lin Kunwei , Xue Jian , Li Borui )